This section showcases some of the latest work I have created with links to the projects and a brief description.
Graduate research at MIT: Working on developing fair and efficient resource distribution in multi-agent reinforcement learning.
Multi-agent system MARL
Learn more hereDeveloping safe and socially aware motion planning method using imitation learning
for general aviation (GA) aircraft in multi-aircraft shared airspace. Incorporating safety through formal logic methods.
Robotics Institute Summer Scholar RISS Program, AirLab, Carnegie Mellon University
Social Navigation STL Multi Agent System
Paper VideoDeveloped and simulated a pair of UAVs to track a moving target. Implemented Barrier Lyapunov Functions to maintain the desired formation. Internship at the GCDS Lab, IISc.
ROS Gazebo Obstacle Avoidance Barrier Functions
Paper VideoData driven approach to learn inverse dynamics of a robotic manipulator arm. Developed a setup on ROS to learn model dynamics when model information is not provided.
Worked remotely at McGill University as a part of MITACS Globalink Research Internship.
Deep Learning Manipulation Inverse Dynamics
Analysed the omnidirectional controllability, studied nonlinear control theory, and dynamics of existing system for fault-tolerant control.
Transitioned project software stack ROS1 to ROS2 and optimized the code.
Worked remotely with TU Dresden as a part of DAAD WISE Scholarship 2020.
Nonlinear Controllability ROS2
Coverage path planning for agricultural field. Optimal trajectory, safe and robust control using Control Barrier Functions. Bachelor's Thesis Project
Deep Learning Agri Drone Path Planning
Among top 25 teams in the world that qualified for SSL RoboCup 2019, a robot soccer competition. Worked on motor control and embedded systems. Results to be published soon.
RoboCup KRSSG Embedded
Team's GitHubIIT Kharagpur's tech fest Kshitij 2019 Image processing Robot based on Raspberry Pi.
Tech Fest Image Processing RPi
GitHubDeveloped and tested an optimized Fuzzy control code for motor velocities. Applied on the RoboSoccer 2020 robots. Showed robustness even when disturbances were applied.
Fuzzy Velocity Control
GitHubBuilt, tested and studied properties for an improvised box wing MAV. Presented at the National Conference of Wind Tunnel Testing, Kanpur, India (2020)
MAV Box Wing Aerodynamics
PreprintVideo Project PageUsing a Homotopy method, determine the maximum range for a guided projectile based on optimal controls.
Trajectory control Homotopy Optimize
GitHubWon 3rd Place NACDeC-2: Designed a solar powered and fuel cell combination twin propeller high aspect ratio wing aircraft. Competition by the Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI). Led the Department Team for NACDeC-4.
Aircraft Design Conceptual Design
Automated tool that performed multiple image stitching followed by blending. Semester Project, Image Processing, Autumn 2018.
Image Processing
GitHubLed the IITKGP Aerospace Team for MathWorks Napoli Minidrone Competition 2021, to develop algorithm for a line follwing drone on Simulink. Event cancelled after submission round.
Coming soon! Robotics and AI
UAV club team to participate in the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) Student Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS) Competition 2021. Event delayed due to COVID-19
UAV Team Head
This section contains my publications and articles.
Here is my contact information.