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Hello, I'm Jasmine!

I'm a third year PhD student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.

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Jasmine Jerry Aloor
Third Year Graduate Student, MIT

Major: Aeronautical And Astronautical Engineering, MIT AeroAstro

My research seeks to address the challenge of balancing efficiency and fairness in multi-agent teams using reinforcement learning.

I am pursuing graduate studies at the DINaMo Group, MIT with Professor Hamsa Balakrishnan to strengthen my knowledge further and contribute to the research community.

Contact me: jjaloor [at] mit [dot] edu

News and Updates

  • March 2025: Presented Fair-MARL work at the Women in Data Science Cambridge Conference.
  • October 2024: Paper accepted at ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems.
  • September 2024: Awarded the MathWorks Fellowship for 2024-2025.
  • August 2024: Presented at the CoCoMARL workshop 2024 at the inaugural Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC 2024)

Research Experience

This section showcases some of the latest work I have created with links to the projects and a brief description.

Here are select research projects
Team simulation

Fairness in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Graduate research at MIT: Working on developing fair and efficient resource distribution in multi-agent reinforcement learning.

Multi-agent system MARL

Learn more here
X-Plane Visualization image

Socially Aware Imitation Learning in Multi-Aircraft Shared Airspace

Developing safe and socially aware motion planning method using imitation learning for general aviation (GA) aircraft in multi-aircraft shared airspace. Incorporating safety through formal logic methods.
Robotics Institute Summer Scholar RISS Program, AirLab, Carnegie Mellon University

Work presented at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

Social Navigation STL Multi Agent System

Paper Video
Two UAV simulation on Gazebo image

Multi UAV Trajectory Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance

Developed and simulated a pair of UAVs to track a moving target. Implemented Barrier Lyapunov Functions to maintain the desired formation. Internship at the GCDS Lab, IISc.

Published in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2022

ROS Gazebo Obstacle Avoidance Barrier Functions

Paper Video

For more projects, visit the Projects page.


This section contains my publications and articles. ORCID logo 0000-0003-4257-3870

Get to know about my skills below!


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From my freshman year at college, I began dabbling in the various fields of robotics beginning with embedded systems and controls, to computer vision and deep learning

  • Soccer Playing Ground Robots (RoboSoccer)
  • Aerial Robots
  • Space Robotics

Aerospace Engineering

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I'm fascinated by all things aerospace and am particularly interested in

  • Aerospace Control Systems
  • Aircraft Design
  • Aeromodelling

Artificial Intelligence

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Robotics is something I am passionate about. I am confident and have applied these technologies for robots and aircraft systems

  • Computer Vision
  • Deep Learning
  • Motion Planning

Contact Me

Here is my contact information.